10 Deeply Disturbing Tales Of HAUNTED Video Games

7. Peach's Haunted Castle - Super Mario 64

Majoras Mask Cartridge

This tale follows a nostalgic gamer who bought a used Super Mario 64 cartridge and initially faced a ton of glitches outside Peach's castle. Things only got stranger as the player entered the Bob-omb Battlefield room to find a blank canvas. Every time he jumped in, a new title and location was revealed:

First time: TURN BACK - Luigi appeared at Bob-omb Battlefield and led Mario up the hill. Instead of king Bob-omb, there was a cottage. When Mario entered, he found Luigi had hanged himself.

Second time: RUN DON'T WALK - Mario landed on a platform surrounded by water with a black void slowly gaining on him. After running out of platforms to jump on, it consumed him.

Third time: I'M RIGHT HERE - Mario landed in a small dark room with only the Mad Piano for company. The Piano eventually took all of his life and Mario started bleeding.

Fourth time: YOU COULDN'T SAVE HER - Unagi the Eel swallowed Mario whole and the player ran out of lives.

There was no game over screen, but instead a picture of 5 skeletons - one for each of the player's family.

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I see my role at WhatCulture the same way my wife sees my role as a lover: I contribute in a very small way, my presence is barely noticeable and I’m not entirely sure if the laughter is at me or with me.