10 Deleted Scenes That Explain Confusing Gaming Moments

2. Episode 51 - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Metal Gear Solid 5 Chapter 51

Metal Gear Solid V's best-of-series gameplay can't entirely cover for the fact that the game was shipped to stores without an actual ending.

Though the final boss fight sees Venom Snake defeat the proto-Metal Gear known as Sahelanthropus, the machine is subsequently stolen by young Eli aka Liquid Snake, in a plot point that's never expanded upon or resolved.

Reaching the game's "ending" requires a frustrating amount of busy-work, revealing a bats*** crazy final twist, that Venom Snake wasn't even Big Boss at all.

Without sufficient context or follow-through, the twist felt like a trolljob mic drop, and fans were uniformly upset that Hideo Kojima would end the game in such absurdly unsatisfying fashion, given how well he tied off the previous games in the series.

It was revealed some time later that Konami was unhappy with the game's budget and effectively cut development short.

However, the Collector's Edition of MGSV contained behind-the-scenes footage of the game's original intended ending, a 51st chapter called "Kingdom of the Flies."

The mission saw Snake chasing Eli to Central Africa, where he was holed up with Sahelanthropus, a young Psycho Mantis and other child soldiers like himself.

An epic battle would ensue between Diamond Dogs, XOF and Sahelanthropus, leading to the Metal Gear's eventual destruction and a napalm strike being ordered to hit the island and annihilate the vocal cord parasites residing there.

But of course, Eli manages to survive the strike by being levitated away from the island by Psycho Mantis at the last minute. Isn't that an infinitely cooler and neater ending than the abject, confusing mess we got?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.