10 Deleted Scenes That Explain Confusing Gaming Moments

3. Carla Falls For Lucas...Over Time - Fahrenheit

Fahrenheit Lucas Carla
Quantic Dream

David Cage's Fahrenheit (aka Indigo Prophecy) kickstarted his and Quantic Dream's successful run of "interactive drama" games - also including Heavy Rain and Detroit: Become Human - but sure didn't arrive without its dramatic foibles.

Fahrenheit revolves around Lucas Kane, a man who becomes possessed by supernatural forces and compelled to commit murder in a New York City diner, sending him on the run as the cops, headed up by committed detective Carla Valenti, chase him down.

But inevitably, Lucas and Carla's paths cross, and in hilariously rushed fashion, the two end up falling in love with one another in the game's third act...leading to one of the most awkward and embarrassing sex scenes in video game history.

Fans widely criticised the game for making major leaps in character logic in order to force this love story.

It was never convincing that Carla, a cop shown to be extremely dedicated to her job, would suddenly get feelings and declare her love for Lucas within such little time of meeting him.

Various Quantic Dream employees have spoken about Fahrenheit's development over the years, with the common thread being that the game's money-conscious development resulted in hours of planned story content being unfinished as its release date approached.

And that is why Carla's turn seems so aggressively manufactured. There's no guarantee the missing scenes would've been great or even good, but contriving a love story out of nothing was never part of the plan. It was supposed to happen over hours rather than basically minutes.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.