10 Deliberate Gameplay Features That Ruin Your Immersion

6. Reskinned Enemies


Yep, corner cutting is apparently a real problem in today's video games. And, as this entry's image shows, not even the most acclaimed of game developers are above rehashing old enemies and throwing them back out there for round two against the player.

A lot of games that do this try to weasel their way out by contriving some story reason behind it. Of course this one enemy looks and acts only slightly differently to the others because it came from a different time period. Of course this guy's red instead of blue because he's from a distant tribe who have their showers on too high!

Truth is, nine times out of ten, it's just the developers being lazy and not wanting to make all-new character models with all-new animations. "Sure," they must have thought, "let's just slap some colour on these enemies and give them scarier eyes or something. Who's gonna notice?"

As it turns out, all of us. And that was also the moment we remembered we were just playing a game.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.