10 Depressing Video Game Trends We're Probably Stuck With Forever

6. Scripted Cinematic Moments

The Last Of Us As the line between games and everything else becomes ever dimmer, we have seen €“ especially in this generation €“more focus on spectacle in gameplay. In the beginning €“ like most things €“ having a scripted cinematic moment or €˜Almost Death Scene€™ midway through a story was great way to get the heart pumping, actually playing through was is basically a cut scene was a brilliant change from the norm. However, they are becoming more and more frequent and sticking to have very precise formula. There isn€™t any surprise anymore because we know what to expect; a bomb goes off and we know we€™ll be treated to a Saving Private Ryan style deafening as our protagonist slowly blinks as the surrounding sounds suddenly floods back in. The obvious reasons developers are creating these moment is the gaming industry as a whole, is trying to compete with television and film for the spotlight, and developers must create more exciting and visually stimulating moments that the gamer will remember in a €“ on average €“ eight hour campaign. So every nanosecond some preposterous calamity will befall you, and you€™ll play through a set piece only to have another €˜bajillion€™ waiting restlessly in-line. The term: Too Much of a Good Thing springs to mind as I quite like these types of moments when they€™re handle carefully like a baby lamb, but for the vast majority of titles, this isn€™t the case.
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.