10 Depressing Video Game Trends We're Probably Stuck With Forever

5. War

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter I swear to God that I €“ and a lot of gamers €“ are completely desensitised to the harsh realities of war. If the majority of gamers weren€™t all fat, bone-idle, weak, glasses wearing cowards, they€™d make the perfect soldiers. Okay, that was uncalled for, some gamers are incredibly thin and don€™t need glasses. War is a great topic to base a title on because there are €“ not really €“ a good side and bad side meaning there are diffident winners and losers. Basing a game on war means you have a plethora of locations to visit and inevitably destroy; you have a meek understandable plot to walk the protagonist through, and an array of subtle ideals to implant in the young minds of today. We even get so weary of our own real wars that we create fictional battles in the past, present and future to desperately try re-capture that feeling of horror and excitement. My main issue with it is, they€™re incredibly boring. I don€™t find shooting yet another Arab gentleman entertaining, because it€™s all I seem to do in FPS€™s now-a-days. Hopefully €“ sooner rather than later €“ we'll be over this whole war trend and maybe try create something more like Spec Ops: The Line which €“ while admittedly having war €“ focuses on the character development and narrative behind war. Regrettably, there will always be gun nuts who can€™t fall asleep without a hearty widowing and, until that day ends, we€™ll always have games about war.
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.