10 Most Deranged Video Game Psychopaths

6. Scott Shelby €“ Heavy Rain

He might not be driven by the blood-lust and desire to murder indiscriminately like some on this list but don€™t let this fool you into thinking that Scott Shelby €“ also known as the Origami Killer €“ isn€™t deeply psychopathic. Scarred for life by the despicable events he suffered through as a child, Shelby ruthlessly takes his anger out on the world by kidnapping children and forcing their fathers to prove their love through a series of horrifying tasks. Don€™t be deceived by this warped sense of morality €“ Shelby lacks any sympathy or remorse and is most certainly a psychopath. In The Butterfly trial Shelby forces Ethan to crawl through a long network of claustrophobic tunnels littered with broken glass. Once you get past the implausibility of an overweight, 50-something year old crawling through this narrow network of tunnels laying down all the shards of glass, you realise that the painstaking effort Shelby goes to to inflict pain on innocent men is quite astounding. It is a credit to the storytelling abilities of Quantic Dream that they are able to weave such a complex narrative whereby we still feel some sympathy towards this psychopathic murderer of children and their fathers. Shelby may have become a killer of children himself but it€™s impossible to forget the face of that little boy who just wanted his dad to come and save his brother.
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.