10 Most Deranged Video Game Psychopaths

5. Minsc €“ Baldur€™s Gate

Did anybody ever say being a psychopath necessarily meant that you had to be one of the bad guys? Minsc, the iconic Rashemen ranger of Baldur€™s Gate, doubtless saved the hides of gamers an embarrassing number of times with his trusty two-handed sword but this doesn€™t mean he wasn€™t a complete psycho. Minsc may have saved our merry band of adventurers by wildly swinging his gigantic weapon but every now and then he would be seized by a berserk rage and turn his bloodlust on those around him €“ most notably us. Until he calmed down Minsc could no longer be controlled by the player and went on a killing spree against anything foolish enough to cross his path. As if this psychopathic rage weren€™t bad enough, the ranger had a weird relationship with his whiskered sidekick, Boo the Hamster, who hides safely beneath his armour. The thought of the psychopathic Minsc running around the map slaughtering everything he sees while a hamster €“ which he is convinced is a miniature giant space hamster €“ nestles snugly under his full-plate armour is one of the weirdest images in Baldur€™s Gate.
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Far Cry 3
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.