10 DESPISED Video Games You Should Play Now

7. Dark Souls 2

dragon age 2
Bandai Namco

None of the soulsborne games are bad, but when ranking, one has to be at the bottom, and most Fromsoft fans give that spot to Dark Souls 2.

Most of this came from the fanbase being disappointed with the quality of life improvements made to the formula established in Dark Souls 1, and the lack of enemy variety. Yeah, the backlash to this game wasn't *insane* like it is for the other entries on this list, but it is definitely considered the franchise's black sheep.

However, going back to it will most likely yield a more nuanced opinion on this divisive entry in the franchise. For one, the story, while just as ambiguous as the rest of the franchise's entries, is one of the strongest of the bunch, as well as being one of the bleakest - which I know you soulsborne fans just adore. The bosses are mostly dudes in armor, this is true, but the fights with those dudes in armor are some of the most mechanically interesting battles the series has put out.

While hardcore Soulsborne fans may turn up their noses at this sequel, anyone with an open mind will find it's aged remarkably well.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?