10 Devastating Emotional Video Game Moments That Came Out Of Nowhere

1. Henry & Sam - The Last of Us

The Last Of Us Henry Sam
Naughty Dog

The Last of Us is an emotional game and frankly, this list could be comprised entirely of Last of Us moments. You have Sarah at the very beginning and Joel sacrificing the fate of humanity for Ellie. All of them are good, but all of them are the obvious choice. However, the story of Henry and Sam is both devastating and completely out of nowhere.

You meet the two brothers adventuring through Pittsburgh and you escape the cannibalistic hunters and get to freedom. And after all that, you spend a night just chilling and eating some food. It's one of the few moments of solace in the game.

Only Sam, the younger of the brothers is bitten by a clicker, goes to attack the group in the morning and Henry, the older brother is forced to kill him. That's already devastating on its own and as you sit there playing, watching a compelling and genuinely terrifying moment, Henry kills himself, too.

The way the game frames and displays this scene is genuinely genius, as it cuts away to black, leaving the player to contemplate a genuinely tragic end to genuinely likeable characters.

It's a zombie movie trope - loved one kills loved one - but it has never been done better.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.