10 Devastating Emotional Video Game Moments That Came Out Of Nowhere

5. Roman... - GTA IV

Gta Iv 4 Roman

We all hated Roman to some degree. He was loud, obnoxious and would never leave you alone, pestering you with offers of bowling and various menial activities. But even through all the annoyance and frustration, it's hard not to admit that seeing him dead because of your actions was devastating.

Throughout the story, the game does a lot to make him unlikeable, to the extent that his constant phone calls became a joke, but to that same token, removing that presence swept the rug out from under a lot of players. It gave you that painful feeling that you should have spent more time with him instead of ignoring his requests to go bowling.

It's one of those moments that no one expects to hit them like it does. No doubt everyone wished they could put a bullet in Roman's head just for some peace and quiet, but when someone actually goes ahead and does it, well, maybe that heartbreaking feeling was the intent all along?


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.