10 Devastating Emotional Video Game Moments That Came Out Of Nowhere

3. Killing Toriel - Undertale

undertale game toriel
Toby Fox

Undertale is a charming game and packs more heart and genuine emotion into it's short run time than most triple A games can muster in several days. And one of the most heartbreaking and surprising moments comes right near the very beginning, where most players accidentally kill their surrogate mother, Toriel.

Toriel, or Goat Mom, guides you through the tutorial and makes sure you learn all the games mechanics, before asking you to forget it all and live a comfortable life with her at her home. For the first bit of the game, she is an absolute sweetheart and it's hard not to form an endearing bond with her. But then she tries to actively stop you from leaving.

At this point, first time players will be unlikely to understand that every encounter can be escaped through passive means, and most people end up dealing a fatal blow to Toriel which makes the moment even more devastating. And it comes as a shock to the system as you usually deal minimal damage, only to deal massive damage out of nowhere, ultimately killing her.

All she wanted was a child...


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.