10 Devastating RPG Deaths That Came Out Of Nowhere

4. Aerith Gainsborough - Final Fantasy VII

the witcher 3 vesemir death
Square Enix

No list of devastating gaming deaths is ever complete without including Aerith's untimely end in Final Fantasy VII.

Both the last of her Cetra kind and a humble flower seller in the game, Aerith is one of the game's most charming characters; compassionate, light-hearted and a skilled mage in battle, she is still easily one of the most beloved party members the series has thrown up.

All of these just make her sudden death at the hands of Sephiroth all the more gut-wrenching to play through, however.

At a time when having any member of the main cast killed off was practically unheard of, Sephiroth initially attempts to entice Cloud into killing this loveable party member. When he refuses, the game's antagonist will take matters into his own hands and kill her himself with a sword straight through the abdomen.

Convoluted hoaxes around being able to revive Aerith became the big video game conspiracy theory following FF7's release, but the character's death is as pre-determined as they come.

Undoubtedly the most devastating moment in the series' history, it's a firm reminder of the stakes in play with across the Final Fantasy world.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.