10 Devastating Video Game Deaths That Came Out Of Nowhere - Commenter Edition

1. Agro - Shadow Of The Colossus (And Every Horse In A Game Where You Have A Horse)

Agro death SOTC

Man, if Shadow of the Colossus doesn’t get depressing enough between your comatose girlfriend and the killing of giant ancient beings that it turns out were just chilling before you came along, we’ve got Agro.

Okay, I’ll be straight with you, an end credits scene does show that Agro doesn’t actually die but we sure didn’t think that was possible when our endlessly faithful steed plummeted hundreds of feet to its presumed death after throwing us onto a platform so we wouldn’t meet the same fate.

It’s absolutely heartbreaking which really ups the difficulty of the final fight directly afterwards if you’re still wiping away tears. If you’re still going after that one though, I’m sorry to also remind you of Arthur Morgan’s horse in Red Dead Redemption 2. Assuming you did keep horse reviver on hand you probably had your equine best friend for some time in the game by the end of Arthur’s story. To add insult to the injury of Red Dead 2’s many devastating losses which we covered in our last video, we watch Arthur painfully say goodbye to his horse, uttering out a final thank you to his companion.


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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.