10 Dialogue Choices That Were Devastatingly Different From What Your Character Actually Said

7. "Tell Him Off" - The Walking Dead: A New Frontier

The Walking Dead A New Frontier
Telltale Games

It's fair to say that Telltale's episodic adventure games have been relatively disappointing on the freedom front, offering up a shallow, superficial illusion of choice at best.

Equally frustrating was the series' oft-vague and non-specific dialogue options, which came to a memorable head in the second episode of The Walking Dead's third season, A New Frontier.

When protagonist Javi's brother David starts giving him some lip, the player has two options - "Tell him off" or "Let it go."

Picking the former quite clearly implies that Javi will simply stand up for himself, but in actuality, it results in Javi wildly over-reacting, telling David that his wife Kate is planning to leave him, which surely isn't what any players actually wanted.

It's bad enough that there are forums full of players admitting that they restarted the episode after encountering this misleading "choice," due to how abruptly and needlessly it disrupted the central character dynamic. Like, what the hell?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.