10 Dialogue Choices That Were Devastatingly Different From What Your Character Actually Said

6. All The Paraphrased Dialogue Options - Fallout 4

Fallout 4

In the case of Fallout 4, we're not so much talking about a specific dialogue exchange as we are the game's depressingly reductive and vague dialogue tree.

While previous games in the series gave players entire lines of dialogue to choose from, Fallout 4 instead offered up brief, paraphrased approximations which were often infuriatingly opaque and difficult to parse.

So often it feels like you're simply picking the least-confusing option and hoping for the best, though as is typical of Bethesda, they left it to their community to fix the issue, and shortly after the game's release, a "Full Dialogue Interface" mod was released.

This mod replaced the paraphrasing with the full line of dialogue your character, now fully voiced for the first time in the series, was about to speak.

The unfortunate side effect of this mod, however, is that it also made painfully clear just how limited and non-varied the four dialogue options really are in the game.

Still, the mod provides a simple alteration to a game that, out of the box, doesn't nearly present enough nuance to players, resulting in them frequently picking an undesired string of dialogue. Terrible.

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Fallout 4
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.