10 Most Disappointing Video Game Endings

6. Zone Of The Enders

Hideo Kojima has a bit of an iffy history when it comes to story in video games. A frequent criticism aimed at the creator of Metal Gear Solid is that he should be making games instead of films, since the majority of Solid Snake's story has been told through cut scenes and long treatises on the nature of war rather than actually letting players affect or play through the narratives at all. Possibly because the serious points might be undermined a little by a gruff dude running around in a cardboard box and humping sexy posters on locker doors. He saved his worst, however, for Zone Of The Enders, a fairly average giant robot title on the Playstation 2 that tends to be forgotten amongst the whole Metal Gear saga. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdlMT4MKmKk ZOE is another of those games that has a fairly rote plot that anybody who's watched a mecha anime will recognise: reluctant hero is forced into piloting a big robot (as if you'd need to be convinced, that would be amazing) in order to fight some bad guys and there's explosions in space and love triangles and stuff. Again, though, they turned things on their head when it got to the climax, and not in a good way. Facing the full military force of the villainous BAHRAM our hero Leo - piloting robot Jehuty - the player has to, erm, run away. And then your robot self-destructs and kills loads of people. So everything you've been fighting for was completely in vain and you can't do a thing to change it. Yay!
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/