10 Disgusting Video Game Achievements That Came Out Of Nowhere

6. Snake Beater - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty - HD Collection

Metal Gear Solid 2 snake beater

Snake is a busy guy who has a long to-do list and a lot of sneaking around to do, so I guess it stands to reason he’d take some time out for a little, uh, me time?

During the Tanker prologue, Snake needs to visit Deck A’s locker room where he can find a locker containing a sexy poster featuring a woman in a black bikini. If you wanna take a break you can switch to first-person view, stare at the poster, and then give Otacon a ring. Now, Snake taking a, well, load off, certainly isn’t disgusting, but Otacon seems to disagree and we reckon his disgust is worth putting it on our list. As is the sight of Snake’s mid, uh, self-enjoyment face. Otacon says, "You don't have enough to keep you busy?" and then you get the aptly named ‘Snake Beater’ achievement.

To be fair to Otacon’s judgment, maybe this isn’t the time, Snake.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.