10 Most Disgusting Video Games Of All Time

8. F.E.A.R 2

F The F.E.A.R franchise gave us the spectral lab-experiment-turned-headcase Alma, as well as producing one of the best implementations of slow-motion gunplay since Max Payne. Although the first game was praised for it€™s tight shooting and incredibly atmospheric corridor-crawls, it was the sequels that upped the graphical ante, complimenting the original€™s particle effects to beautifully visceral new levels. There might be those of you who question F.E.A.R€™s place on this list, but to those I question whether they€™ve witnessed the effect of unloading a shotgun into the chest of one of the enemies, only for a firework-display-aping explosion of blood guts and bones to fill the screen, all in glorious slow-motion.
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