10 Most Disgusting Video Games Of All Time

5. The Punisher

P The Punisher was doing brutal torture sequences back when Grand Theft Auto V€™s Trevor was but a sketch in his designer€™s eye. Whilst 24: The Game also featured some now-questionable depictions of extended enemy-thwacking, Punisher got down to business by introducing the criminal underworld to the business end of a piranha tank. Even though the game received a black and white filter somewhat akin to Kill Bill€™s infamous censoring of the Crazy 88 sequence, the actions of what were happening on screen were still very much controversial and deliciously violent in a way that aped Garth Ennis€™ work on the Marvel Knights series, or his now-legendary MAX run. The Punisher€™s four basic methods of perp-handling involved strangulation, punching them repeatedly in the gut, shoving a pistol in their face, or throwing them to the ground and bashing their face off the pavement. That was all without the contextual kills that allowed you to hold a man up to be gored by a rhino, feeding someone else to a hungry shark, locking a blokes head in between some moving gears until it burst, or just caving their skull in with a coffin lid.
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