10 Most Disgusting Video Games Of All Time

6. Soldier of Fortune

S As with some slightly less critically-acclaimed films, a reputation can be built around shock-tactics and glorification of gore alone, which is entirely the case with the Soldier of Fortune franchise. Lacking the deft control of something like Counter-Strike, it attempted to make up for it by building a €˜must-play€™ reputation around the varying amounts of decapitation and dismemberment you could inflict upon an opponent. Although F.E.A.R let you literally explode a chap by way of riddling them with bullets, or fry them down to a skeleton, in Soldier of Fortune: Double Helix every weapon had quasi-realistic depictions of gore applied to their effect on the human body. Enemy€™s would regularly burst with gushes of blood regardless of where you made contact, or perish clutching their open wounds in a variety of animations. Gamers flocked to the otherwise-mediocre series for the same thrills one expects at this time of year, and in retrospect, now that the western-world-enslaving power of Halo has dissipated, it could be worth a shot for some retro charm.
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