10 Disturbing Tales Of Video Game Obsession

9. EverQuest Suicide

The Shawn Woolley case has become notorious since its occurrence in 2001. Woolley was a 21-year-old with emotional issues and learning disabilities who was found dead in front of his computer, while EverQuest was still running on-screen. Woolley's mother wholeheartedly blamed the MMO. "That damn game. He shot himself because of the game," stated his mother, claiming that he was completely addicted to it. She admitted that he had personal problems, but claims that his obsession was what pushed him over the edge. Allegedly, it was something that happened in the game that led to the tragedy, and his mother believes Woolley's in-game character had been betrayed or rejected by another player. "He was so upset," claimed his mother. "I was trying to talk to him about it, and I said, 'Well, Shawn, you know, those aren't people- they're not real people."
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Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.