10 Disturbing Tales Of Video Game Obsession

4. World Of WarCraft Suicide

For some players, MMOs are much more than just a game. This was tragically true in the case Zhang Xioayi, a young boy from the Tianjin province in China who was addicted to Blizzard's World of Warcraft. Xiaoyi jumped from the top of a tall building, immediately following a 36 hours gaming session on World of Warcraft. The 13-year-old claimed that he wanted to "join the heroes of the game he worshipped", according to a suicide note that he left behind. Xiaoyi's parents made a claim for 100,000 Yuan against Aoemeisoft, the Chinese distributer of the MMORPG, but the claim was rejected by a Tianjin court. According to specialists at a Beijing hospital, "Zhang had excessively indulged in unhealthy games and contracted serious internet addiction before his death."
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