10 Disturbing Tales Of Video Game Obsession

5. Diablo 3 Marathon Death

Zhuang Zhengfeng, a Taiwan teenager died after playing Diablo III for almost two consecutive days. Across the 40 hours of gameplay, Zhengfeng didn't eat any food, only occasionally drinking some water. The teen was playing at an internet cafe, which specialised in allowing gamers to play on in-house computers over the local area connection. Early in the second morning of his Diablo binge, an assistant at the cafe found Zhengfeng asleep at his keyboard. After being woken up to pay the hourly fee, Zhengfeng complained of feeling unwell, and that he needed to go outside for some air. After leaving the cafe, he vomited and collapsed to the floor immediately afterwards, losing consciousness. Sadly, the teen passed away at the hospital shortly afterwards. The cause of death was stated by medical staff as being due to a blood clot flowing through his lungs, as a result of being stationary for so long.
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