Hopefully by now you've recovered from the nightmares that our own Shaun Munro gave you with his
10 Gaming Glitches That Will Totally Freak You Out, just in time to have the beejeezus freaked out of you again by 10 more glorious shiver-inducing (and often hilarious) glitches. If you think about it, glitches, by their nature, have a horror quality to them - they are assumed to be a mistake in the game's programming, or maybe they're unwanted entities toying with your notions about the game's world, specters hiding just out of view, prepared to strike the moment you unwittingly summon them. And sometimes they're just really freaky.
1. Dishonored: Corvos Out of Body Experience
Corvos first attempts at jumping into someone else were apparently unsuccessful. Either that or Griff's just done putting up with the former bodyguard's shenanigans. "Shouldn't you be off stabbing tyrannical conspirators right now? No, really, stop, it's not funny...QUIT JUMPING ON MY BALD SPOT!" The inexplicable aircraft engine noise makes this golden. I kind of wish Corvo's arms would start flapping as they levitate around the room; that would be the cherry atop of this glitchy ice cream sundae. http://youtu.be/xZUfhRLMr4w