10 Disturbing Video Game Glitches That Will Haunt Your Dreams

3. Far Cry 3: Fountain of Blood

It turns out that tigers, snakes, bears, and pirates have just become the least of your worries since Freddy Kreuger€™s new home is in the bed of a jeep on Rook island. Either that, or this poor unsuspecting villager is a mechanic who found one of Half-Life's barnacles while doing some maintenance work. I'm not sure which demise is worse. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=965OGK7s-Ug
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Far Cry 3
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Javy Gwaltney is an aspiring author, screenwriter, and essayist from South Carolina. He also likes to write about video games. You can find his articles on those at Bitmob and Whatculture! If you like, you can follow him on twitter: https://twitter.com/JavyIV