10 Disturbing Video Game Plot Twists You Didn't See Coming
9. The Collectors' Real Identity - Mass Effect 2

After defeating Saren in the first Mass Effect, Shepard and the team look to be able to take on anything the galaxy has for them. Though that’s all changed rather quickly when the Normandy is destroyed and Shepard killed in the process. And it would take years for Miranda to rebuild this legend for The Illusive Man.
Shepard was brought back thanks to the new threat which plagues the galaxy, the Collectors. More violent than the Geth, the Collectors live by their name and scoop up human colonies, only to harvest them later. This is all pretty dark stuff, but when we all find out who the collectors are, that's the disturbing part.
The Collectors are former Protheans. Once the last stand against the Reapers, now harvested into a new monstrous form, they serve them and the infamous Harbinger.
Not only is it messed up that the Reapers turned Protheans against each other in the closing battles of their war, but it is a glimpse of what is to come for humanity and the rest of the galaxy.