10 Divisive Video Game Characters You're COMPLETELY Wrong About

7. Doomguy - Doom

Jack Marston
iD Software

Doomguy is one of the most iconic characters in video game history, although his fame has very little to do with his personality. As a matter of fact, since Doom games don't delve deeply into his character, most people assume he doesn't have a personality at all and that he's just an angry psychopath that they can play as to shoot demons in the face without feeling any remorse.

This, however, could not be further from the truth. Even the earliest iterations of Doom games made mention of Doomguy's other side, and with the release of recent titles, the fuller picture of this bulking heap of brutality has only become more apparent.

Despite what his preference for chainsawing demons in half might suggest, Doomguy is actually a very compassionate and loving person. Doom Eternal and the 2016 release both show that Doomguy cares a lot about humanity, and although his internalized trauma rarely lets him communicate with other humans, he would never hurt them or cause them any harm.

Not to mention, his original crusade against Hell started because demons killed his beloved pet bunny. The guy probably wouldn't even hurt a fly, so long as it didn't have horns and reeked of hell.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.