10 Dream N64 Games We Need On Nintendo Switch
9. Pilotwings 64

Even now, few consoles can match the launch titles of N64. The standard bearer is of course Super Mario 64, the iconic platformer that already has a home on the Switch but will be coming to the online bundle for those who missed out before. Real old school heads are clamouring for another title, though - the inventive, intuitive Pilotwings 64.
This is a far simpler proposition than the gaudy splendor of the plumber. Players are tasked with the relatively ordinary job of taking a rookie pilot through their examinations in order to gain their flying license. You can commandeer jet packs, gyros, and hang gliders as you soar through a primitive but still delightful sky.
Flight in games can still be difficult to get right in 2021; that this ‘96 release remains so playable is nothing short of miraculous, as well as a testament to the detailed development of these early games.
The basic notion is simple but there are plenty of bonus levels (including skydiving) to get stuck into. It’s a game that rewards effort - once you truly master simulated flight, you’ll feel like you could tackle the real thing.