10 Early Contenders For Game Of The Year 2016

1. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

uncharted 4
Naughty Dog

You can smell the Game of the Year awards from here, Uncharted 4 is just that damn good. There's not a single other developer as accomplished as Naughty Dog - to the point where it's actually pretty ridiculous how far ahead of the competition they are.

I mean, just look at the game's graphics, its sublime animation, the narrative presentation that dances between in-engine cutscenes, controllable set-pieces and tactile gameplay - all conducive to a story that explores the notion of giving up or ageing out of the one thing you love.

There's a real heart behind everything going on with A Thief's End, one that'll make itself known all the more if you've played the previous trilogy, but even if not, Uncharted 4 is one EXEMPLARY video game, and a landmark achievement in game design in every respect.


Let us know in the comments what you're pegging as Game of the Year 2016!

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