10 Early Contenders For Game Of The Year 2016

2. Overwatch

Overwatch game

At times, Blizzard feel like the Pixar of the games industry; they've happened upon an animation style that's just damn loveable, and you need take but one look at the animated shorts that back up Overwatch's inviting narrative, to see some of the finest storytellers at work.

Narrative is only one tiny slice of the Overwatch pie, though - the real meat is the exquisite gameplay.

An impossibly-balanced mash-up of characters and archetypal classes, there's something for everyone. COD and Halo-devotees can start off with Soldier:76, Far Cry bow n' arrow fans need only pick Hanzo, whilst Titanfall/power fantasy-types can opt for D.Va. Overwatch runs with the smoothness of melted butter, and looks even more mouthwatering.

Easily the best multiplayer experience since Rocket League, there's a very good reason this shot to the top of everyone's 'Most Played' list across the summer.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.