10 Early PS4 Games Worth Playing In 2020

6. Horizon: Zero Dawn

infamous second son
Guerilla Games

Releasing a new IP in this day and age of sequels and remakes is a bold decision on its own; it's another thing entirely to stick the landing as well as Guerrilla did with Horizon: Zero Dawn.

This gorgeous futuristic hunt-'em-up is still delicious 3 years after release, the combat against foes ranging from human-sized... well, humans, and towering terrors who could end your entire existence with one slightly well-placed footfall. Aloy's journey from outsider to respected member of the tribe is sweet, but it's the gameplay and world that are the main draws.

The originality of hunting animal robots in a new post-apocalyptic tribal setting must be commended, with the game's weapons designed to encourage planning and tactical hunting over run-and-gunning.

Visually, the game is a treat for the eyeballs, with gorgeous sunlit fields sprawling all over the landscape and snowy mountain peaks for those moments you really don't feel small enough. And the stars.

Plot-wise it's not the most original story in fiction, or even gaming, and the more tactical emphasis on combat may potentially put off those hooked on the adrenaline-pumping antics of other third-person actioners, but Horizon's world and gameplay really are enough to sell it and hook you in. Absolutely worth a play through three years later.


I'm Scott, and I enjoy all the great things nerd culture idolizes. What I enjoy more is talking about them!