10 Earth-Shattering Video Game Plot Twists You Didn't See Coming
7. The Polite Elf Is Not An Elf - Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dragon Age has a long history of successfully flirting with subtle and often entertaining twists: Origins saw the sobering revelation that only a Warden could kill the Archdemon, and Dragon Age 2 gave us the hilarious, ego-deflating framed narrative opening. But with Inquisition it produced something that left fans speechless.
When fan-favourite character Flemeth is revealed to be the elven god, Mythal, it comes as a shock, but one you can wrap your head around: she is, after all, an ancient, enigmatic being, a powerful mage, and can transform into a dragon. Learning that she is an elven god in human form makes sense.
What is difficult to wrap your head around is the revelation that Solas, the well-mannered, soft-spoken, scholarly elf who has been your companion, and perhaps even lover, throughout the game, is actually Fen’Harel, the elven god of betrayal.
Top this titbit of world-upending information with the fact the he is responsible for the games’ events, apparently kills Flemeth, and have the stones to stick all this in a post credits scene, and Bioware pulled off a first class WTF moment the likes of which will never, ever be matched.