10 Easy Ways To Get Impossible Video Game Trophies

6. Pyromancer - Team Fortress 2

Stanley Parable Thumb

While Pyro is one of the most fun classes to play in Team Fortress 2, few people are likely to accidentally get the Pyromancer achievement, as it requires you to do a million points of fire damage during your time under the mask.

It's a taxing request, as you can't just use your flamethrower as Pyro or you risk losing games solely because you refused to use other means of attacking.

As such, if you really want the achievement, you're stuck locked in to this one class, desperately throwing fire at all you can. Sure, Demoman has a very similar achievement - but at least his bombs have a little more range, and don't require him to get in close range with opponents - so you're in for likely a longer haul than if you'd chosen that character.

That is, unless you manage to recruit some assistance. While it isn't exactly a grand old time, managing to fill a lobby with just pals who've agreed to be roasted for your sake means you can basically just make everyone a barbecue. This may not be the most legit way to get the achievement, but it's a sight better than spending countless games obsessing over maximising your flamethrower time and nothing else.


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