10 Easy Ways To Get Impossible Video Game Trophies

5. Smooth As Silk - Overwatch

Stanley Parable Thumb

Unless you're a pro at every single character in the entire Overwatch roster, there is going to be plenty of achievements that are borderline impossible for you to get, as each character has at least one trophy that requires you to have some serious skills (and luck) while playing their role.

Or just a little secret knowledge, as is the case with Widowmaker's achievement Smooth As Silk. You're supposed to only get the achievement by killing an opponent with a scoped headshot while in the air, which takes a fair amount of aiming chops to get right.

After a few people reported getting the achievement entirely by accident, though, it became clear that you could sometimes get it by getting a scoped headshot and then jumping immediately after, as the game only looked to see if you were in air after the headshot happened.

This achievement is otherwise pretty dang challenging - as Widowmaker automatically goes out of being scoped when you jump, meaning you have to try and sort a head shot in the short window of time you're in the air without any prior prep.

But, when you know there's a chance a sneaky extra hop might net you it, you're likely going to go that route instead of painstakingly trying a million trickshots.


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