10 Embarrassing Gaming Moments Our Parents Walked In On
6. Female Shepard & Liara Sex Scene - Mass Effect
The Mass Effect series broke new ground with regard to video game relationships, to the extent that there was a lot of silly controversy surrounding the game's sexual content. Among the revolutionary features were the ability to conduct gay relations, and even the possibility to have both versions of the Commander Shepard character commit xenophilia: this means to get jiggy with an alien species, by way of Asari shipmate Liara. Having a parent walk in while male Shepard hooks up with an alien is one thing, but this takes an even more interesting turn if you're playing as female Shepard and go for a lesbian human-alien encounter. If anyone walks in, just turn the TV off immediately and scream that you were watching porn and that they should knock first, because that's far less humiliating than someone catching you ogling this sort of thing. Not that there's strictly anything wrong with it...
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.