10 Embarrassing Gaming Moments Our Parents Walked In On

5. Torture - Grand Theft Auto V

Now for something a little less sex-orientated, as that's not the only way a game can embarrass us. Though Grand Theft Auto V received almost universal critical acclaim upon release, there was a furore over a mission late in the game called By the Book, in which while taking control of Trevor, the player is able to torture a man in FIB custody to find out where an apparent terrorist is. The methods of torture include waterboarding, beating him with a wrench, electrocuting him with a car battery, and pulling out a tooth with pliers. Though the mission was defended as a satire of American "advanced interrogation" policies (given that you end up finding out that the person Michael assassinates as a result of the information was a good guy), it sparked a debate about the tone and nature of violence in video games. The sequence itself is relatively prolonged, so if your sweet old mother walks in to see you smashing a guy's testicles to pieces with a wrench, she might think there's something a little off with you. It might not initially seem quite as embarrassing as your mother catching you watching an alien and a human making out, but there's a good chance she'll be thinking about booking you a therapy appointment, and keeping the steak knives locked up.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.