I'm sure when developers make a game, they start out full of hope. After all, this comes before the budget meetings, the creative meddling, the draconian deadlines and the cruel, hard b*tch-slap of reality the sky's the limit, and they want to make something that will resonate throughout the ages. However, it isn't always going to be this way. As I've just mentioned, there are several factors that keep a good developer down, yet I've not mentioned one of the biggest console launches. It's a very rare console indeed which shuffles its best work straight out the gate. Off the top of my head, the only one I can think of is the GameCube, whose launch games included Super Monkey Ball, Luigi's Mansion, Crazy Taxi, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3, Wave Race: Blue Storm and Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader. Other consoles haven't been nearly as lucky. So whether through unfamiliarity with a new system, inflexible deadlines enforced by the hardware's launch or good, old-fashioned managerial dickery, the majority of consoles tend to stumble on launch day, souring their big introduction to the wide world of gaming with an absolute clunker or two. So as we look to the imminent release of a new generation of consoles, I thought it would be wise to look at gaming's most notable launching misfires, safe in the knowledge that come the time of the PS4 or the Xbox One's release, we're going to be able to add to this list.