10 Emotionally-Draining Video Games You Only Finished Once

2. Mass Effect 3

"Oh har har, Mass Effect 3, yeah we get it, because of the ending and all that" Well yes, in terms of the disappointment you felt that may have resulted in a curse-word-flinging rage when that pick-a-colour final section came up. But - and this is a Kardashian-sized but - if you happened to have all the DLC installed, alongside an imported save that carried your progress over from the last two games, the final few sections of Bioware's sci-fi masterpiece knew exactly how to play your heart strings like a symphony orchestra. From tearful goodbyes between you and your lover of choice (as long as it wasn't anyone who was part two-exclusive, considering the cameo-appearances they all got) to going shooting with Garrus or agreeing to share a beer on the other side of the battle you were heading into - for all that ME3 got drastically wrong in the last 20 minutes, the preceding 20-odd hours of that game alone remain some of the best depictions of social interaction in gaming. And the unbridled, forum-spamming rage for that ending? That counts as supremely draining too.
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