10 Emotionally Intense Video Games You Need To Experience

Oh God, the feels.

For some, video games differ from books and movies chiefly because the consumer€™s primary concern is not a well-crafted story; it€™s gameplay. In fact, strong gameplay can cover a multitude of sins: even if the story, graphics, or soundtrack don€™t do anything for you, the well-crafted mechanics might reel you in. However, sometimes a title occupies a special place in one€™s heart for aspects other than how fun it is, and this is especially the case if it€™s full of emotionally intense moments. Maybe an unexpected tragedy occurs and leaves a void in your heart, or maybe the entire experience is intense and keeps you on your toes. Whatever the reason is, emotionally loaded games tend to linger longer in the memory. And of course it isn't enough for those games to be relentlessly grim: there has to be balance, and the most artful achievements in emotional games come thanks to the wider range of emotions that make the tragedy stand out even more. The greatest examples set the bar high in creating narratives or mechanics that tug at the gamer's heartstrings, and future developers really need to learn from their example. That way, instead of demanding gameplay over storytelling, players can expect higher quality of both aspects. That's the dream.


Garrett is a technical writer by day and a freelance writer by night. When he's not thinking about popular culture he is either...no wait, he's always thinking about popular culture.