10 Most Enjoyable Set-Pieces In The Uncharted Trilogy

2. Sinking Ship (U3)

After the streets of London and a burning French chateau, the middle third of Uncharted 3 moves the action to a ship graveyard in the Indian Ocean, where Drake is pitted against the pirate Rameses after Sully is kidnapped (he seems to rival Kim Bauer in terms of how many times he is taken hostage during the course of the trilogy...). The sequence of events culminates in the revelation that 'your Sully is in another castle!', prompting Drake to wound Rameses aboard a cruise ship and attempt to flee from his men. By doing so, he manages to blow a huge hole in the ship they are on, prompting it to flood Poseidon Adventure style. A frantic race against time then ensues, as Drake must battle numerous opponents whilst the vessel turns on its side and begins to sink, a process that is accelerated when Rameses opts to shoot out some windows to make his killer's escape a more hazardous one. The sequence can be frustrating, given that one wrong move or the inability to defeat enemies quickly enough results in instant death. From an action standpoint, however, it's a set-piece that wouldn't look out of place in a Hollywood blockbuster, and it succeeds in providing a thrilling climax to a reasonably dull series of chapters.
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Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.