You would barely know the Wii U was coming out in November 2012 unless you were already a core gamer with a fevered interest in it, because both in the general public and online, advertising just wasn't really anywhere to be seen. There was much confusion among casual and non-gamers about what the console was, with many assuming that it was merely an upgrade of some kind, and therefore not a new entity in its own right. The disconnect between Nintendo and these audiences was mind-boggling, and not something that the company appears to have rectified in the 14 months since. While the Wii's marketing campaign was fresh and appealed to the very market that Nintendo ended up nailing, the Wii U floundered in large part because, as I'll explain in more detail later, they just didn't have a lot to work with software-wise. What's the good in showing off these flash new features if there's nothing to try them out on? In 2014, the console's presence is largely in the form of derogatory articles online detailing their financial failures, or in the form of a desperate price drop they've issued.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.