3. Rave-Reviewed Super Mario 3D World Doesn't Sell Very Well
The most tragic casualties of the Wii U's failure are those games that are well received by audiences and critics alike, yet end up disappointing commercially, as was the case with the recent Super Mario 3D World, which had the lowest week-one sales of any 3D Mario game in Japan. In addition to this, it's scored 1.63 million worldwide sales to date, and debuted in the UK at #14, behind PS4's widely slammed platformer Knack. The game has fared better in recent weeks, though will still need to pick up significant steam to catch up to the sales of the franchise's equivalent Wii titles (Super Mario Galaxy currently has 11.02 million sales in 6 years, Galaxy 2 has 7.17 million in 3 and a half years). It's not a totally disastrous state of affairs for the Italian plumber, just extremely underwhelming, and though those sales are sure to climb with the spate of first-party titles to be released in the next 18 months, expect it to trail severely behind the Wii's equivalent sales.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.