10 Essential DLC Packs That Complete Your Favourite Video Games

2. The Last Of Us: Left Behind

The Last of Us Left Behind
Naughty Dog

The Last of Us is already regarded as one of the greatest games of all time, and Left Behind somehow managed to improve upon its greatest aspect: the story.

Story is absolutely essential to Left Behind. Developing the story of Riley and Ellie is the highlight of the DLC, giving players insight into the two's friendship. It also shows us how Ellie managed to survive on her own in the present and finally shows us how she became infected. Left Behind manages to make Riley a believable and lovable character in just a few hours.

Gameplay also manages to be unique in Left Behind, expanding upon the short section of the game where we were able to play as Ellie. The gameplay doesn't really evolve much past the base game, but the sections where it's just Ellie and Riley exploring the mall are easily the highlights, giving players loads to explore and interact with.

Left Behind may not innovate much when it comes to gameplay, but it delivers yet another amazing story experience within The Last of Us.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.