10 Essential DLC Packs That Complete Your Favourite Video Games

3. Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare

red dead redemption undead nightmare

Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare somehow manages to make the tried-and-true trope of zombies feel fresh again.

Despite not being canon to the story of Red Dead Redemption, Undead Nightmare still features a fantastic cast of characters and situations. The story isn't really meant to be the focus here but it still manages to give us more of our favourite characters.

The best additions to Undead Nightmare are, of course, the zombies. Unlike some zombie games, the enemies in Undead Nightmare feel legitimately dangerous because of the large numbers of them and the lack of ammo. Somehow, Undead Nightmare turned Red Dead Redemption into a survival experience and that's certainly not a bad thing.

Oh, and the horses of the apocalypse are basically the coolest thing ever.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.