10 Essential First-Person Shooter Campaigns You Must Play

1. Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

call of duty modern warfare 4 all ghillied up

You can't have a list with Medal of Honor and not move onto Call of Duty, as until COD 4, the former used to be the go-to choice for any military shooter. That all changed when Modern Warfare arrived, as not only did it revolutionise how the online component of any shooter would be perceived and played, but the single player? Now that was something to behold.

Opening with what's become one of the most iconic first levels in gaming history, you helped scuttle a tanker in a blaze of stealth tactics and shattered glass, before making a huge leap of faith to an awaiting helicopter.

It.was.BRILLIANT, and like all the best single player campaigns, started as it meant to go on, leading to the sublime 'All Ghillied Up' sniper mission, an intense hostage situation, the unexpected death of a main character and one hell of a slow-motion decision finale.

Infinity Ward re-wrote the book on single player campaigns, on first-person shooters - on everything you thought possible with the genre. This was the new school of FPS gameplay, and it's a class Activision have been teaching ever since.


What's the best first-person shooter campaign of all time? Let us know in the comments!

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