10 Essential First-Person Shooter Campaigns You Must Play

2. Half-Life 2

Half life 2

Many of the ideas Half-Life 2 pioneered when it comes to how to tell a story using a first-person perspective (like having entire conversations play out around you) have been aped and done better since, but what Valve created will forever stand the test of time, simply because every aspect is pulled off with so much confidence.

The tactile Havok physics engine, the steady rollout of new weapons, the awkward yet exhilarating driving segments - all propel you through a narrative that actually doesn't require you've played the original, but takes on a whole new sense of weight if you have.

Half-Life 2 has that 'legacy' feel thanks to being one of the most pivotal titles in gaming history. It changed the very nature of how stories are told in first person, and if you've somehow missed it, do yourself a favour and experience this world for yourself.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.