10 Essential First-Person Shooter Campaigns You Must Play

6. Syndicate (2012)

Syndicate 2012
Starbreeze Studios

Sometimes you play a game and think "Man, that was brilliant! I wonder what the rest of the world thin- oh... no one's played it."

Such was the response to the otherwise-brilliant Syndicate, a ridiculously slick shooter from Starbreeze Studios, who you'll know as the guys that brought you both Riddick games and The Darkness.

Yes, those guys.

Syndicate was a total reimagining of the 1993 original, transporting its isometric stylings and converting them to a dubstep-infused FPS - one where you can hack the minds of foes and deploy all manner of sci-fi weapons in the process. The entire thing is cooler than Sub Zero's ice box, with a stellar voice cast (Bryan Cox!) framing your exploits as you do the somewhat standard "Agent gets betrayed and the corruption goes right to the top!" storyline.

As a first-person shooter though - just try having a better time than fighting a cyborg ninja-looking gangster as Skrillex pounds away in the background.

It cannot be done.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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