10 Essential PS4 Games You Must Play In 2018

10. Dreams

Dreams PS4
Media Molecule

Despite being announced way back when the PS4 was first revealed, Dreams has eluded players ever since. Promising a beta that never materialised, for the longest time the title seemed like simply a set of player-creation tools, rather than, you know, an actual game that was going to come out.

Fortunately, as more and more people questioned whether or not Dreams could be played like a regular game, the developers at Media Molecule responded by saying "You want a game? Well here's 4!" and re-revealed a version of the title's story mode that was split into four different campaigns, each with distinctive art styles and mechanics.

Even more tantalising is the fact that the whole story mode was crafted with the tools available to all players who pick the game up, meaning that there could be a seemingly endless amount of new ways for fans to tailor the experience to their liking.

It hasn't been an easy ride for Dreams, but since its re-unveiling last year the quirky title has looked more confident than ever, and will hopefully find success later in 2018.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3