10 Essential Third-Person Gaming Shooter Levels You Must Play

2. Blood Feuds, Ancient And Modern - Red Dead Redemption 2

dead space

Red Dead Redemption 2 will forever be infamous for being the game that modelled the affect of temperature on horse testicles. Hyperfastidious, yes, but it’s that kind of attention to detail that won Red Dead 2 universal acclaim from critics and gamers alike. No surprises that it also produced one the best levels in gaming.

The set-up is simple but brilliant: young Jack Marston has been kidnapped by antagonists, the Braithwaites. Threatening a child is a big line to cross, meaning that no matter who you are, you are fully invested.

Escalating beautifully, developers Rockstar ride that momentum into a scene as classically Western as the six-shooter at your side, a march on Braithwaite manor side-by-side with your fellow gang members, every one of you burning for revenge.

But, in the dark of night the stately manor looks less mansion than castle, with cover scarce and enemies in possession of the high ground. When the inevitable gunfight kicks off it gives no quarter, a fight quickly superseded when you’re tasked with defending the mansion against waves of enemy reinforcements.

Blood Feuds is the quintessential Red Dead 2 experience – a tense, high-stakes shootout in raw, beautiful locations, distilled into a short, sharp memorable mission that is pure excellence from start to finish.

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Dead Space 2
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